
Folic Acid - Serum

The folic acid test is a type of Vitamin B. Folic Acid is involving in the Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets formation. This test measures the folic acid level in the blood. This test is used to diagnose anaemic conditions and folic acid deficiency.
Test Code: 862
₹ 1,000.00

Folic Acid test – Serum:

Why Folic Acid - Serum Test?


Vitamin B-9 is also known as “Folic Acid”. It is found in citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables (like spinach), whole grains, beans, lentils etc. Folic acid is vital for the RBCs (healthy RBCs), normal growth of cells, tissues, DNA synthesis and also for the normal development of the fetus. SerumFolic Acid Test - The folate test measures the amount of folic acid present in the blood (serum levels). The levels of folate vitamins in the body can be measured within RBCs by the estimation of the folic acid test. The folic acid test is primarily ordered to evaluate megaloblastic and macrocytic anaemia and also in screening certain conditions like malnutrition, mal-absorption syndrome etc. This folate test is also performed in combination with vitamin B12 test to screen for megaloblastic anaemia (fewer but larger and oval-shaped RBCs which gets sequestration earlier than normal RBCs). Causes for lower than normal folate levels indicate poor diet, malnutrition, mal-absorption syndrome (eg. Celiac sprue), chronic alcoholism, old age, smoking, anti-seizure medications, chemotherapy, kidney dialysis, certain cancers etc. Test results reflect the recent intake of folate in the diet. In cases like folate deficiency anaemia and pregnancy, fortified foods like cereals and folate pills are recommended. Therefore as a part of antenatal care tests for pregnant women folic acid medication is mandatory to prevent the developing fetus from neural tube defects such as spina bifida and microcephaly (retarded brain development) etc. Clinical manifestations of folate deficiency anaemia are pale skin, gums, eyes, nails, mouth ulcers, red and sore tongue, numbness and tingling of fingers and toes, diarrhea, headaches, weakness, fatigue, irritability, weight loss, fluttering heartbeat, palpitations, dizziness and fainting etc. Moreover, the signs and symptoms of anaemia include pale skin, fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, weakness, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, headaches, confusion etc. Some of the factors that can alter the folate levels in the body are alcohol, aminopterin, amino-salicylic acid, birth control pills like oral contraceptives containing estrogens, tetracycline, ampicillin, phenobarbital, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, methotrexate, penicillin, antimalarial drugs etc. Additional tests include Microscopic blood smear analysis to screen red blood cells for their shape, numbers, size of altered RBCs for the presence of macrocytic anaemia due to folate deficiency, Electro-chemiluminescence Immunoassay (ECLIA) etc.

General Instructions:

Sample Requirement: Specimen -Blood sample collected from the vein. Test Preparation:6 hours fasting before the test (in particular no fortified food supplements or other medications must be consumed such as biotin at least before 72 hours prior to the collection).

NOTE - Sample for specimen collections may vary based on the patient’s condition/cases according to the patient’s presenting complaints/signs or symptoms:

SPECIMEN REQUIREMENT (Special or Rare Cases) - As instructed and guided by Physician / Clinician / Pathologist / as per Laboratory’s requirements, according to procedures and protocols.

This Multi-Specialty Clinical Referral Laboratory RTDIAGNOSTICS provides precise and accurate tests with an extensive range of testing services to the medical centres to help in the diagnosis and identification of pathology in the test specimens for infectious diseases and also to evaluate the function of organ systems of the patient. It prevents further complications and helps to stabilize and restore health to near normalcy at the earliest without delay.